Did you know? The real estate commission + taxes for an average home sale in Saskatchewan is more than $15,000!
*Based on typical commission structure of 6,4, & 2 percent plus GST + PST
What will you do with the money you save?
Sell your home privately & commission-free with saskhouses.com!

Our Rate & Services

Listing is valid for up to 6 months (We hope you don’t need it for that long!)

Allowed up to 40 pictures

Photos must be approved by saskhouses.com before the listing is posted. 

  1. One Lawn Sign is included.

Extra signs available @ $25+tax each

Open House Sign available @ $20+tax/each

Social media promotion campaigns on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Available for additional fee of $99.95 (in the Saskatoon and Regina areas only)

Available for additional fee of $199.95 (Saskatoon area only)

Ideal for sellers who are committed to selling privately – great internet exposure & everything you need to sell your home privately & commission-free!

We help private sellers

Everything you need to sell privately & commission-free

Great Internet Exposure
You will be amazed by how many people will see your home when you post it on saskhouses.com
Everything you need to sell privately
We provide everything you need to sell privately - internet exposure, lawn sign, open house signs, legal documents, social media promotion, and more!
You are in control!
You can manage your own listing - make as many changes as you like, check your statistics, add new pictures whenever you like, hold open houses, and arrange showings when it is convenient for you

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